Umpire Development
Umpires are the foundation of community netball and we always need two umpires for every home game during the winter season. We are always interested in putting new umpires on our roster. We strongly believe in developing our umpires and run ongoing training and mentoring program for new umpires.
- If you are over 14 and interested in umpiring, please Contact Us
What it takes to be an Umpire
Solid Knowledge and Understanding of the Rules
- Be familiar with the Official Rules of Umpiring
- Read the Official Rules of Umpiring
- Understand the Rules
- Learn how to apply the Rules - take all opportunities to practice umpiring
Dress the Part
- White Top - bottoms can be white or dark coloured shorts / skirt or pants
- Good netball shoes
- Presentation is vital! Look like an umpire and the players will treat you like an umpire
- Neat and tidy at all times
The Tools of the trade
- Whistle (good quality 'ACME Thunderer' whistle is the most popular)
- Indicator - Elastic Band, Hair Band or Ring
- Official Rules of Umpiring Book (carrying with you when you are umpiring if possible)
Use your Voice
- Confident
- Loud (ensure all players on court can hear you)
- Clear and simple instructions
- Remain calm